Equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines makes a life-saving difference to all countries
Equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines makes a life-saving difference to all countries


Recently, the latest research findings on COVID-19 led by a team of Dr Qingpeng Zhang, Associate Professor of the School of Data Science (SDSC), was published in Nature Human Behaviour as a cover-featured article. 

Dr ZHANG Qingpeng
        Dr Zhang Qingpeng


CityU researchers estimate 46% of vaccines re-allocated to low- and middle-income countries will accelerate end to COVID-19 pandemic. This action will better protect high-income countries in the long run and reduce outbreaks of COVID-19 variants.


This estimation is based on a mathematical model developed by the team, which is led by Dr Zhang Qingpeng, and Professor Daniel Zeng Dajun of the Institute of Automation in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), co-corresponding author for the paper. The first author is Yang Ye, a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Zhang in the SDSC.


Click HERE to view the article.